MMPR First Wave Logo

MMPR First Wave Logo
MMPR First Wave Logo

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bringing the Red Ranger to life

For our kick starter campaign, we shot a "pitch" video to help explain our mission and all the details of the project. But we knew that people would want to see what we had in mind, they want a taste of what we're going to create. With that in mind, we shot a teaser trailer.
The teaser trailer is like the film; brief but grand in scope. So we created a small war zone and shot background plates for an epic taste of First Wave. We'll show off some of the behind the scenes footage from that shoot soon, but first let's talk about our hero. 
The scene teases a battle between the Red Ranger and a member of the Putty Patrol. Because there's no funding for the project yet, we had to get creative with this because the Ranger uniform that we have designed will cost about $4,000-$6,000. The choices were to step back and design it a little cheaper or do it the hard way and create our ranger from scratch and we don't like doing things the easy way. 
So we got started creating an entirely computer generated character. It's no secret that this is a grueling and time consuming process. Our graphic artist, Kevin Delucia got started well before we shot the background plates.  

He began sculpting the character and bringing Red into the 3rd dimension. 

We'll reveal the final character design soon! To recieve updates by email about this kick starter project, click here

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