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MMPR First Wave Logo

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Red Ranger helmet design

When deciding the best way to design our version of the Red Ranger's helmet, it was important to respect the source material. The original mythology of each character's link to a specific species of dinosaur was always one of my favorite parts of the show. The Red Ranger's helmet was creatively designed to mimic the head and features of a T-Rex; probably one of the reasons he was such a popular character. This is an important design element that we didn't want to lose, which left us trying to decide what did need to change. 
The size of the helmets has always been the one feature I wished I could change. We decided to go with a slimmer look, one that would conform to the Ranger's head a little better and pull a some inspiration from characters like Iron Man. 

Design by Ben Rosa
Artwork by Kevin Delucia

We considered a variety of other options to help make the design unique and give it a more modern look. 

Artwork by Kevin Delucia

The mouth piece was one of our biggest challenges. The classic "lips" that appear on the original helmets were not quite what we wanted, but they are a significant part of the original design and we didn't want to ignore them. We considered a few options and ultimately landed on a type of breathing apparatus or vent. We can't wait to reveal the final design soon!

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