MMPR First Wave Logo

MMPR First Wave Logo
MMPR First Wave Logo

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Planning begins: the first step towards re-imagining a classic.

This project has been a long time coming for a lot of artists here in the Tampa Bay Area where production is taking place. Our Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan film started small and grew into a beast. We started back in January of this year when it was just an idea. Since then, it has become a magnet that people can't resist once they get involved.

We wanted to do something fresh and new, but felt obligated both as artists and geeks that the original source material be respected. So our very first character designs reflected just that; a nod to the original design while including some new elements. 

Ranger designs by Ben Rosa

But it wasn't just about character design. What would an epic MMPR film made today be about? It was time to broaden the scope beyond Angel City and go global. It was essential that the primary villain be the original Rangers super villain: Rita Repulsa, and we wanted her plans to impact the world on a truly devastating scale. So, our story will focus on the first wave of attacks by Rita's Putty Patrol, an initial attack among an entire army worldwide. 

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