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MMPR First Wave Logo
MMPR First Wave Logo

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Putty Patrol: Re-Inventing a Soldier

Ah, the Putty Patrol.  While there is certainly a lot to be said about these energetic members of Rita Repulsa's team, one thing cannot be denied; there were memorable.  Spandex aside, the Patrol themselves are actually a rather terrifying character collectively.  I say this not just because of their grotesque appearance but the simple concept that they come from a seemingly unlimited supply of reinforcements. In First Wave, this will be a concept we intend to expand on.

The ease through which Rita is able to create her army presents the daunting idea that she could very easily launch an offensive against in a true one woman war.  This type of force deserved an upgrade, we felt.  So, the Putty Patrol has been re-designed while, of course, respecting the original material.  The Patrol featured in First Wave will be nearly 8 feet tall and tower over the Rangers making them a truly formidable foe.  Power and brut force will be the Putty Patrol's most powerful weapons against our heroes.

Designs and artwork by Ben Rosa

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